Bishop Dominic Kokkat CST

Bishop Dominic Kokkat CST

Bishop Dominic Kokkat CST

Bishop Dominic Kokkat CST Born on Ferbruary 23, 1932 at Vaikom in Kerala, young Joseph became a professed member of the Little Flower Congregation in 1953 taking the name Dominic. His major seminary formation and theological studies were at Papal Seminary, Kandy (Srilanka) and in Pune. He was ordained priest on October 4, 1960.He served his congregation in various capacities such as Vice Rector of the C.S.T. Philosophical Seminary-Alwaye, Principal-Technical School, Alwaye and Mission Superior in the CST Mission of Punjab.

He was also Assistant Secretary, CBCI-New Delhi from 1978 to 1982.He holds a Diploma in Social Work from the Coady International Institute, Canada. On October 4, 1984 he was ordained the first Bishop of the newly established Diocese of Gorakhpur and was installed its first Bishop on October 14, 1984. His deep concern for the poor and the marginalized has been a guiding factor for him to begin various apostolates in the diocese by which the downtrodden and the neglected could find their due place in the society. Therese of Child Jesus and having been impressed by the thrust of his Congregation, he founded in 1988 the Congregation of the Little Sisters of St. Therese (LST).In 2006 He became bishop emeritus after nurturing the local Church of Gorakhpur faithfully.The entire diocesan family of Gorakhpur offers Most Rev. Dominic Kokkat CST hearty congratulations and promises of continued prayers on the Occasion of the Silver Jubilee of his Episcopal Ordination and on the Beginning of the Golden Jubilee of his Sacerdotal Ordination.

Date of Birth February 23, 1932
Feast Day 08, August
Religious Profession May 18, 1953
Priestly Ordination October 04, 1960
Episcopal Ordination October 04, 1984
Motto God is my Light and my Salvation
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